
Nilkanth Appt. Satana Naka Malegaon


9890829664 / 9823829664

Syllabus Pattern


Fundamentals of Electropathy & Pharmacy

The introduction to electropathy/electrohomoeopathy. (2) The Principle of Electropathy (3) Dr.CountCeaserMattei's life. The development of electropathy under NEHM of India (5) The principles of nature (6) The principles of the 'Od' force (7) The difference between homoeopathy and electropathy. (8) Introduction to pharmacy and its branches. (9) The Cohobation Method. 10) Knowledge of botanical plants which are used in the preparation of Electropathic Medicines as well as new plants added by NEHM. (11) Medicinal plant collection.) Compositions of Medicines &Electricities. (13) Preparation of dilutions, globules, ointments, compresses, lotions, baths, liniments, and enema. Writing prescriptions with abbreviations. (14) Pharmacopeia. (16) Motor vehicles.p>

PRACTICALS :- Identification and collection of a minimum of 10 plants (available in India) used in E.H.Medicines and their parts, determining moisture content of the plant, and preparing electropathy. The preparation of medicated globules, ditutions, sugars of milk, globules, and all other external applicants, methods for preserving E.H. medicaments, preparation of various doses.


1. Cell structure & function, elementary tissues in the human body. 2. An overview of blood functions, plasma proteins, ESRs, blood clotting, blood volume, bone marrow functions, red blood cells and their development, white blood cells, haemoglobin functions, iron metabolism, platelets functions, blood grouping, transfusion and its hazards, and fluid regulation. 3. Circulation through capillaries, venous return, the structure and properties of the heart, cardiac output and heart rate, blood pressure, and circulation through special areas. 4. THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM:-Pulmonary volume and capacity, regulation of breathing, delivery of oxygen to the body, transport of CO2 within the body, dyspnea, anoxia, regulation of body tB.M.R., carbohydrate metabolism, fat metabolism, vitamin metabolism, and diet metabolism.Vitamins, Diet. 6. Muscle biology. 7. DIGESTIVE SYSTEMS :- Small intestine, large intestine, deglutition, vomiting, hiccups, liver and gall bladder functions.

PRACTICALS :- 1. Taking a temperature reading of the body. 2. The pulse should be recorded. 3. Taking a blood pressure reading (in different postures) 4. Blood samples are collected using the P.C.V. method of packed cell volume. 6.Time of bleeding.. 7. Time of clotting 8. Estimation of hemoglobin levels 9. E.S.R. 10. Grouping by blood type. 11. The collection of urine samples and the physical examination of urine. 12. These are some of the normal haematological values and the conditions that can increase or decrease them

Anatomy – I

1. (A) BONES :- 1. (A) BONES :- Various kinds of bones. (B) JOINTS :- Classification of Joints, Joints of the Vertebral ColumnAssociated with the movement of the head, Joints of the Ribs, Temporo-mandibular Joints of the Upper Limb, Acromioclavicular Joints, Shoulder Joints, Elbow Joints, Radio Ulnar Joints, Pelvis Joints, Lower Limb Joints, Hip Joint, Tibio-fibular Joints, Ankle Joints, Tarsal Joints. 2. THE MUSCLES :- The muscles of the head and neck, the ear, the nose and the mouth, the infra-hyoid muscle, the vertebral muscles, the upper limb muscles, forearm and shoulder muscles, foot muscles, lower leg muscles, hand muscles, abdominal walland chest wall muscles, Diaphragm, Pelvis muscles, Perineum muscles, Urogenital Triangle muscles.. 3. HEART &ARTERIES :- Shape, position and surface of the outline of the Heart, Circulation through the Heart, Arteries and veins, Cavities of the Heart, Arteries of the Thorax, the Aorta, the upper limb arteries, Brachial arteries, Radial arteries, abdominal arteries, Iliac arteries, lower limb arteries, luteal arteries, femoral arteries, tibial arteries, and pelvic arteries.. 4. LUNGS :- Look at the shape, the fissures and lobes, the root of the lung, the bronchial tree, the arterial supply, the venous drainage, the lymphatic drainage, the nervous supply, and the bronchopulmonary segments. 5. There are veins in the brain, the face, the scalp and neck, the upper limb, the thorax, the vertebral and spinal veins in the abdomen and pelvis, and the veins in the spinal column. The Hepatic portal vein system, veins ofthe Lower Limb.

PRACTICALS :- Study of the bones (Osteology)

Food & Hygiene

1. Food and nutrition, air and ventilation, and water. 2. Insects and Helminths, waste disposal. 3. Disinfections and infections, communicable and noncommunicable diseases. 4. Health care services related to maternity and childbirth, and health care services related to school health. 5. Planning your family. 6. A guide to sanitation at fairs and festivals. 7. Statistics on medical care.



GENERAL:-1. Infiltration & Degeneration: Cloudy swelling, Fatty degeneration, Glycogen infiltration, Hyaline degeneration, Amyloidosis, Necrosis, Gangrene, Post-mortem Changes. 2. Healing and repair of inflammation. The Circulation is disrupted. 4. Disturbances in electrolyte balance.5. Hypersensitive reactions and autoimmunity. 6. Growth disorders include Anaplasia, Atrophy, Hypoplasia, and HypertroOrigin, nature, and cause of neoplasia, specific tumors, epithelial and other types.arities. 8. A) Bacterial infections, such as Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Pneumococcus, Meningococcus, Gonococcus, E Coli, Proteus and Pseudomonas, Salmonella, Shigella, Cholera Vibrio, Diphtheria, Tuberculosis, Syphilis and Clostridium. The protozoal population consists of Entamoeba histolytica, Giardiasis, Plasmodium, and Leishmaniadonovani. Ascariasis, Filaria, Taenia - Metazoal. A variety of viral diseases exist, such as variola, arboviruses, polioviruses, HSV-1, Rotavirus, HLV-1, Hepatitis, Myxovirus, Rubeola, PVM. 9. Deficit diseases: protein deficiency, vitamin deficiency. 1 O. Pigmentation :- Exogenous and Endogenous, Calcification.

SYSTEMIC-11. Cardiovascular diseases include artery occlusions, atherosclerosis, ischaemic heart disease, and myocarditis. 12. Diseases of the heart caused by rheumatic arthritis: bacterial endocarditis, pericarditis. 13. Gastritis, Pepticulcer, Gastric Carcinoma, Appendicitis, Intestinal Obstruction, Peritonitis are diseases of the digestive system. 14. Blood and R.E. System :- Leukemia, Anaemia, Splenomegaly. 15. HepatoBiliary :— Chronic venous congestion, atrophy and hypertrophy, degenerations, necrosis, cirrhosis, cholecystitis and gallstones, jaundice. 16. Kidney : Glamorulonephritis, Hypertension, Diabetes. 17. Inflammation of the locomotor system: osteomyelitis, tuberculosis of the bones. 18. The respiratory system includes pneumonia, bronchitis, tuberculosis, and bronchocarcinoma.

Materia Medica

(1) Introduction of EIectropathy/EIectrohomoeopathy (2) Principle of Electropathy (3) Life history of Dr.CountCeaserMattei (4) Development of Electropathy (5) Principles of nature (6) Principles of ‘Od’Force (7) Difference between Homoeopathy &Electropathy. (8) Causes of Diseases. (9) Temperament(Constitutions). (10) Classification of remedies. (11) Slass. (12) Scrofoloso No. 1 to 12. (13) SynthesisS.Y. (14) Limfatico No. 1 & 2. (15) Angioitico No. 1 to 3. (16) Pettorales No. 1 to 9. (17) Vermifugogroup V1 & V2 (18) Canceroso group C1 to C17. (19) Febrifugos F1 & F2. (20) Venerio group Vent toVen5 (21) Electricities – White, Red, Green, Yellow & Blue. (22) Aqua PerlaPelli (A.P.P.). (23) Electro-Homoeopathic Injection No. 1 to 36. (24) Electro-Homoeopathic Ointments, Red Salve S5, Blue SalveA2 or A3, Green Salve Canceroso No 5, White Salve Canceroso No. 5, White Salve Limfatico, WhiteSalve domfin (A), (B) & (C), White Salve Lord (A) & (B), Yellow Salve Vermifugo. MIXED OINTMENTS:- Anti abscess, Chest pain cure, Anti scabies, Meltone. (25) Important points of body to whichElectricities and Ointments should be applied. (26) Diseases, Aetiology, Symptomatology, Dose andDilution, Reaction, Treatment.


The Lymphatic System, Spleen & Thymus :- The lymphatic drainage of the head and neck and upper limb, Lymphatic system of abdomen and Pelvis, Lymphatic system of lower limb. The spleen and Thymus. 2. The Nervous System :·C.N.S. & Peripheral – The cranial nerve, Ophthalmic nerve,Maxillary nerve, Mandibular nerve.The cervical nerve, The Thoracic nerve and the Lumbar nerves.The spinal cord, the brain, the membranes of meninges. 3. The Ear and Eyes :-External Ear, Middle Ear, Internal Ear, Lacrimal Apparatus, The Eye ball, The extrinsic muscles of the Eye. 4. The Alimentary System :- The mouth teeth & tongue, palate, Salivary Glands the Pharynx, the Oesophagus, the Stomach, Small and large intestines, the liver, the Gall bladder and Bile Ducts, the Pancreas, the peritoneum. 5. The Urogenital System :- The Urinary Organs, the kidneys, the Ureters,the bladder, the Male Genital Organs, the Bulb, the testis, the seminal duct, the seminal vesicles, the female genital internal and external Organs. 6. The Ductless Glands :- The Thyroid gland, the supra renal glands, Pituitary glands.PRACTlCALS :-Osteology.


1. Excretory System:- Kidneys & its function, selective re absorption & tubular Secretion, Formation of New products. 2. Urine :- Mechanism of regulation of blood reaction, Micturition, Skin & its appendages. 3. Endocrines- Physiology of pituitary gland, Physiology of thyroid gland, physiology of gland, calcium metabolism, Endocrine functions pancreas, Adrenal gland & its hormones, All hormones. 4. Reproductive System :- Male & Female reproductive organs, Puberty Testis & Accessory male sex organs, Menstrual cycle & Physiology of Pregnancy, Mammary glands, hormones of Ovary &corpus Luteum, Testicular hormones. 5. Nervous System :- Structure and functions of different parts,Reflex action, Synapse, Receptions, Sensations, Tracts, Muscles tone & Posture, Cerebro spinal fluid. 6. Special Senses:- Vision (Eye), Sense of hearing (Ear), Sense of taste (Tongue), Sensation of smell (Nose).
PRACTICALS :-”Repeat Urinary & Haematology Practicals”


Gynaecology (with E.H-Treatment)

1. Gynaecological diagnosis. 2. Malformation of female generative organs. 3. Diseases of Vulva &Vagina. 4. Sexually transmitted disease in female. 5. Tuberculosis of genital tract. 6. Diseases of Urinary system. 7. Pathology of conception. 8. Disorders of menstruation. 9. Hormone therapy. 10. Uterus :-inflammation, prolapse, Displacement & new growth. 11. Endometriosis. 12. Inflammation of Uterineappendages (Fallopian tubes, ovary, Broad &Parametrium). 13. Diseases of Ovary. 14. Diagnostic instruments used.

Ophthalmology (with E.H. Treatment)

1. Examination of eye. 2. Diseases of eyelid :-Blepharitis, Stye, Chalazion, Entropion, Ptosis,Dacryocystits, Orbital cellulitis. 3. Diseases of Conjunctiva :- Hyperaemia, Acute Conjucntivitis(Muco purulent, purulent & membraneous) 4. Cornea :- Purulent keratitis (Hypopyon& Marginal Ulcer)Herpes, Interstitial Keratitis, Arcus senilis, Corneal Opacities. 5. Sclera :-Episcleritis, Iridocyclitis.6. Lens :- Cataract. 7. Glaucoma, Papilloedema, Optic neuritis, colour blindness, Night blindness,Foreign body in eye, Squint. 8. Diagnostic instruments used.

E.N.T. (with E.H. Treatment)

1. Anatomy & Physiology of Ear, Nose and Throat. 2. E.N.T. Examination & Knowledge of Instruments.3. Nose :- nasal injury, Epistaxjs, Foreign body in nose, Boils of nose, Acute & Chronic allergic Rhinits,Nasal Polyp, Acute & Chronic sinusitis. 4. Mouth :- Thrush, Gingivitis, Pyorrhoea. 5. Pharynx :- Acute& ChronicTonsilltis, Quinsy, Acute & Chronic Pharynigitis, Diphtheria, Vincent’s Angina. 6. Larynx :-Acute & Chronic Laryngitis, Acute Oedema of Larynx, Laryngeal stridor, Croup. 7. Ear :- Otitis External,Wax in ear, Fungal infection, Foreign body in ear. Eustachian cattarrh, Acute Otitis Media, ChronicOtitis media, Mastoiditis, Labyrinthitis; Vertigo. 8. Diagnostic instruments used.

Practice of medicine – I

(Including Diagnosis & E.H. Treatment) Detailed knowledge of Diseases on the basis of Electro-Homoeopathy Therapy. :- 1. Fever and its E.H. Treatment. 2. infective Diseases :- Measles, Mumps, Chicken Pox, Influenza,Hydrophobia, Dengue Fever, herpes, Zoster, Food poisoning, Typhoid and Paratyphoid Fever, BacillaryDysentry, Whooping Cough, Diphtheria, Gonorrhoea, Cholera, Tetanus, Cholera, Tuberculosis of lung,Gland, Abdomen and Tuberculous meningitis. Tape Worm &Hydatid diseases, Thread Worm, RoundWorm, Hook Worm, Filariasis Malaria, Amoebiasis, Kala-azar Giardiasis. 3. General Disorders:- Sunstroke, Electric shock, Drowning, Acute poisoning, Snake bite. 4. Respiratory System:- Haemoptysis,Acute and Chronic Bronchitis Pneumonia, Bronchiectasis, Asthma, Tropical Pulmonary EosinophiliaCarcinoma lung, Pleurisy, Pleural effusion, Pneumothorax, Emphysema. 5. Connective TissueDisorders :- Rheumatoid Arthritis, Gout, Osteoarthritis, Osteomalacia. 6. Digestive System :-Dysphagia, Hiccup, Anorexia, Haematemesis and Melaena, Hiatus Hernia and Reflux oesophagitis,Carcinoma Oesophagus, peptic ulcer, Gastritis, Cancer stomach, Appendicitis, Mal absorption syndrome, intussusception, Diarrhoea, Flatulence, Constipation, Intestinal Colic, Irritable bowel syndrome.7. Hepato – Biliary System :-Jaundicé, Viral Hepatitis, Cirrhosis of Iiver. Hepatic coma, AmoébicHepatitis and abscess, Acute and chronic cholecystitis& Gallstones. 8. Excretory System :-Glomerulonephritis, nephrotic syndrome, Urinary Tractlnfection, renal failure, Haematuria, Renal andVesical calculi, Tumours of Kidney and Urinary Tract. 9. Haematology :-Anaemias, Erythrocytosisand Polycythemia, Agranulocytosis, Infection Mononucleosis, Leukaemias, Malignant lymphomas.


Medical Jurisprudence

1. Legal Procedures in courts and law in relation to medical men. 2. Personal Identity. 3. Post MortemExamination in brief. 4. Examination of Biological stains and hairs. 5. Death in its medico-legal aspects,Sign of Deaths. 6. Death from Asphyxia, Starvation, Cold and Heat. 7. Injuries from burns and scalds,lightening and Electricity and Mechanical violence. 8. Examination of Injured persons and regionalInjuries. 9. Impotence, Sterility and artificial insemination. 10. Sexual Offences, Rape, Incest, ******.11. Abortion, Infanticide. 12. Insanity and its medicolegal aspects. 13.Toxicology :- Poisons and its legal aspects, Corrosive Poisons, Irritant poisons, Neurotic poisons, Irrespirable gases.

Obstetrics & Paediatrics (with E.H. Treatment)

(A) OBSTETRICS :- 1. Anatomy of bony pelvis & foetal skull. 2. Clinical Symptoms & Pathologicalexamination of pregnancy. 3. Vomiting, Abdominal pain in pregnancy. 4. Antenatal care. 5. NormalLabour mechanism & clinical course& its management. 6. Abnormal labour :— (l) Foetal malpresentation.(ii) Foetal malformation. (iii) Difficulty in passage :— Contracted Pelvis, Abnormal Cervix Vagina, PerineumPelvic tumours. (iv) Fault in expulsive force :- Uterine inertia. 7. Post maturity Descent of Cord.8. Normal puerperium. 9. Abnormal puerperium. 10. Ante partum Haemorrhage. 11. General disordersassociated with pregnancy. 12. Toxaemia of pregnancy :- Pre Eclampsia, Eclampsia, EssentialHypertension, Nephritis. 13. Pathology of Pregnancy :- Forcepsdelivery, IDKC Episiotomy, CaesarianSection Craniotomy. 14. Obstetrics Operation :- Forceps delivery, D&C, Episiotomy, Caesarian SectionCraniotomy. 15. Diagnostic instruments used.

(B) PAEDIATRICS :- 1. Examination of Child, Growth & Development, immunisation. 2. New Born :-Signs & symptoms in neonatal period, Infections of new born, infantile feeding & oral rehydrationtherapy, premature baby, birth injury, Jaundice in new born, Haemorrhagic diseases, Respiratory distresssyndrome, infantile diarrhoea. 3. Nutritional Disorders :-Kwasiorkor, Marasmus, Rickets, Scurvy,Indian child hood cirrhosis, Paediatric Allergy. 4. Psychosomatic Disorders :-pica, Bed wetting,Sleep walking, Breath holding spells, thumb sucking, mental retardation. 5. Unclassified :- Batteredchild syndrome, Floppy baby, Cot death, infantile tremor syndrome, Congenital dislocation of hip.6. Genetics :- Dominant, Recessive & sex linked traits, congenital malformations.


1.Wounds& Acute infections. 2. Chronic infections. 3. Tumours, cysts, Ulcers, Sinuses. 4.Haemorrhage,Blood transfusion, shock. 5. Burn injury and its management. 6. Infection of hand and its management.7. Injuries of hand and fingers. 8. Infection of bones & joints. 9. Tumours of Bones & joints. 10. Generalprinciples in the treatment of fractures & dislocation of Joints. 11. Head, Spinal and Nerve injuries.12. Diseases of face, Palate, Lips, neck and Oral Cavity. 13. Diseases of Arteries & Veins. 14. Diseasesof Salivary glands, Stomach, Gall Bladder, Rectum & Anal Canal. 15. Intestinal Obstruction, Appendicitis.16. Hernia :- Inguinal, Femoral, Umbilical, Epigastric& Hiatus. 17. Diseases of Prostate, Seminal vesicles, Urethra 18. Anaeathesis of bandages and dressings. 19. Application of minor surgery & drainage ofAbscess, Carbuncles & Cysts. 20. Diseases of/Breast, Kidney, Ureter & Bladder, renal stones.

Practice of Medicine – II

(Including Diagnosis & E.H. Treatment) · 1. Nervous System :- Headache, Dysphasia & Aphasia, Trigeminal Neuralgia, bells palsy, Epilepsy, paraplegia, Hemiplegia, Lumbago, Sciatica Syndrome, Polyneuritis. 2. Psychiatry :- Psychoneurosis, Personality disorders, Depression, Schizophrenia, Organic Psychomatic disorders. 3. Cardio -Vascular System :-Adams – stroke syndrome, Cardiacarrest, Cardiac failure, Peripheral Circulatoryfailure, Rheumatic Fever, Diseases of Heart Valves (in Brief), Angina Pectoris, Myocardial Infarction,Hypertension, Corpulmonale, Myocarditis, pericarditis, Foetal circulation & Congenital heart diseases.4. Endocrine :-Hypo and hyperthyroidism, Goitre, Hypo and Hyper Parathyroidism, Tetany, Diabetes mellitus. 5. Skin :- Pruritus, Erythematous, Urticarial &Purpuric rashes, Dermatitis & Eczema,Superficial bacterial & tropical Infections, Fungal infections, Tuberculosis of skin, Leprosy, Syphilis,Psoriasis,Eruptions, Bullous-eruption, vitiligo, Seborrhoeic dermatitis, Alopecia. 6. Sexually TransmittedDiseases.