
Nilkanth Appt. Satana Naka Malegaon


9890829664 / 9823829664

Method Of Electrohomeopathic



Electrohomeopathic Method

As the name implies, electro is derived from a combination of the words electro (referring to an electrical bio-energy content supposedly derived from plants and of therapeutic value, rather than electricity in its conventional sense) and homeopathy (referring to the alternative philosophy developed by Samuel Hahnemann in the 18th century that refers to a healing force). As the name suggests, electrohomeopathy is the combination of electrical devices and homeopathy in order to treat a patient.

With electrotherapy, any disturbance in the body is eliminated through the exchange of force and the organic tissues of the body are restored to their previous state through the nervous system. Therefore, the concept of homeostasis is the ability of the body to maintain a steady state of physical and chemical consistency by maintaining the integrity of the cells.